51. Disappearing in the Fog

Tom Turner

A chance to ferry a plane for your local FBO and build up some free flight hours goes well until you approach the destination airport to find fog is rapidly closing in. You realize there are several legal options that will allow you to complete this flight. But of those items, what’s still safe?

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50. Wilderness Trip

Wally Moran

You and your friends are loaded into your airplane, eager to get home after a long weekend away. When starting, you discover a minor problem…or is it? After a bit of trouble shooting, the problem appears to be resolved. Do you depart for home or disappoint your passengers?

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49. Departure at Northampton

Bob Martens

IFR Emergencies come in all shapes and sizes, but all take on added urgency when you are operating in the clouds. This month, you are faced with an emergency shortly after takeoff when entering IMC. Your options aren’t great, but if you choose wisely you will greatly increase your chances of survival.

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48. GPS Approach at Charleston

Bob Nardiello

Pilots must be prepared to say “unable” when are asked to do something beyond their personal capability or comfort level. At the same time, we all want to fit in with the flow of traffic and help ATC out where we can — especially when flying IFR. What will you say?

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47. Granite State Departure

John Krug

Obstacle Departure Procedures are often misunderstood, but are a critical procedure that instrument pilots must be prepared to fly. ODPs may require pre-planning, as is the case in this month’s scenario. Fly along this month and see why a thorough knowledge of ODPs is so important.

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46. Cheap Fuel at Logan County

Wally Moran

Sometimes, pilots get a little lazy with their preflight planning. It’s human nature; after so many flights with nothing unexpected, a little complacency can creep in. Yet a simple lack of planning creates a serious jam. Decide what must happen to avoid this serious mistake?

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45. When The Glass Breaks

Bob Nardiello

Glass panels have forced flight instructors to adapt their training techniques. You’re working on your IPC when the instructor throws a simple failure at you Unfortunately, this simulated emergency quickly became a real one because the instructor lacked in-depth knowledge of the equipment..

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44. Am I Safe?

Bob Martens

Most pilots are comfortable preflighting their airplane and making sound decisions as to its airworthiness, but we often fail to evaluate the most important piece of equipment in the airplane: the pilot! Making the best self-analysis isn’t always simple, but it’s key to this scenario.

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43. Cloud Surfing

John Krug

IFR flights in marginal weather require continually monitoring conditions along the route and adjusting the flight as needed. Sometimes there are clear dangers, but often it’s a matter of balancing the comfort, duration, and safety of the flight. How will you rework the plan when there’s no clear choice?

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42. An Easy IFR Training Day

Wally Moran

You and your flying club buddy, Ted, head out to do some practice instrument approaches to maintain your IFR currency. Ted is a retired professional pilot and your flying mentor. You enjoy learning from him, but today you are forced into a difficult situation without his help.

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41. Unwanted Adventure Over The Rockies

Bob Nardiello

Fly GA airplanes at higher altitudes and you’ll discover some unique challenges. This includes additional preflight items, as well as procedures and operations during the enroute portion of a flight. This trip across the Rockies gets dicey when a few oversights start to gang up on you.

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40. Foggy Night at Bridgeport

Bob Martens

Fog can be a killer, especially after the sun goes down, which concerns you when returning to your home airport just after dark and you notice a few low clouds. This kind of situation can be dangerous, depending on the severity of the fog and your choice about how to proceed. What will you do?

Scenarios in the library are only available to Mastery members.
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