New IFR Mastery Series Provides Online, Scenario-Based Training for IFR Pilots

Here’s the text of our recent press release on our new IFR Mastery Series: has introduced a new product for IFR pilots that provides online, scenario-based training. The IFR Mastery Series is designed to improve technique, knowledge and overall safety for the IFR pilot. FAA WINGS credit is available for completing the training, which is available in online or CD format.

Each month, a new topic is explored in depth.  The pilot is placed in a challenging IFR scenario. They are provided with relevant resources such as airport charts, weather, equipment and other variables, and must choose their course of action via online survey. The scenario approach requires critical thinking that improves retention, resulting in more effective training.

PilotWorkshops’ panel of experts provides their own feedback via video, explaining how they reached their decisions. They thoroughly analyze the pros and cons of each decision, giving the viewer important factors to consider in their own flying. Additionally they share techniques and best practices related to that topic.

Pilots also access the private discussion forum where they can debate their choices, ask questions and share their own stories. The forum is moderated by the experts, so pilots can get personal feedback from these nationally recognized flight instructors.  This direct access provides a unique advantage over simply reading a book or watching a video.  It combines professional instruction with “hangar flying”.

Scenarios in the IFR Mastery Series were chosen based on survey results from over 13,000 IFR pilots who provided feedback on which IFR training topics they were most interested in.  These include topics such as single pilot IFR, weather, instrument approaches, IFR communications, emergencies and more.

PilotWorkshops has provided online and computer-based pilot training since 2006 to over 80,000 pilots worldwide. More details on the IFR Mastery Series can be found at:
