Welcome to the AOPA member training portal provided by PilotWorkshops

We’re proud to support AOPA as a Premier Partner and pleased to provide you with a selection of our training materials. Bookmark this page—you can log in any time.
This website contains sample programs from selected PilotWorkshops online courses and “Pilot-Friendly” manuals. They are taught by our nationally-known instructors (see their bios) and contain useful tips and techniques you can use on your next flight.
Pilot’s Tip of the Week: Sent to you via email, each weekly tip is under 2 minutes long and contains valuable nuggets of flying wisdom along with a live pilot poll and active discussion.
Non-Towered Airport Communications
The Quick Reference Guide to Non-Towered Airport Communications provides clear guidance on what to say and when to say it as you maneuver for takeoffs, landings or pattern work. Great for new students or as a refresher for Rusty Pilots. From our VFR Communications manual.
VFR Scenario: Getting Down in the Up
You made a series of reasonable decisions in the name of comfort and safety, only to create a situation where you’re tight on both fuel and options. Will you wager your last hour of fuel on making just one landing at the airport beneath you or take the chance on making it to an alternate? From our VFR Mastery series.
Landings — Expand Your Crosswind Envelope
It’s no secret that many private pilots are uncomfortable with crosswinds. What seems like an issue with physical coordination comes from an incorrect or incomplete understanding of the concepts. We’ll cover common mistakes and practical fixes in this video. From our Private Pilot: The Missing Lessons online course.
Interpret EGT/CHT Readings
Learn some common situations that can expand your understanding of what an engine monitor is telling you about conditions under the cowling. From our Airplane Engines manual.
Think Like an IFR Pilot - Even if You're Not
Thinking like an IFR pilot offers advantages, even on a short VFR flight in great weather. We’ll show you how to reduce your workload–and avoid surprises–by incorporating some simple techniques into your routine. From our IFR Skills for VFR Flying online course.
Fly a Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
SIDs are essential for organizing and optimizing complex traffic flows and clearance delivery. Learn how finding the right SID can simplify your life. From our IFR Procedures manual.
Go/No-Go and Continue/Stop
Go/no-go decisions are hard. The decision to continue a challenging flight or end it is even harder because the pilot is already committed. There are ways for pilots to make better decisions when the balance between risk and reward isn’t obvious. From our Airmanship 2.0 audio course.
Logging Time
It’s a pilot’s prized possession—and it almost certainly contains mistakes. Most are inconsequential; some are missed opportunities, and others are time-bombs that could go off when you show up for a checkride or provide proof of currency to an FAA inspector. Get it right from the start and you’ll avoid the headaches. From our Pilot’s Legal Guide manual.
IFR Scenario: The TAA at Tillamook
The most important meeting of your life is just one simple LPV approach away. However, encroaching weather is putting on the squeeze, so you speed things up with a tight intercept. Should you salvage this situation—or go back into the worsening weather? From our IFR Mastery series.
How to Fly by WIRE on Any Approach
The WIRE briefing method gets the most important parts of the approach dialed in right away, followed by all the details you need and none of the fluff. It includes, however, often overlooked items such as creating real-world missed approach points given actual conditions versus the published minimums. The technique gets demonstrated on an old-school VOR approach with no GPS or moving map available—which is a great way to keep your mental map sharp. From our IFR: The Missing Lessons online course.
Non-Powerplant Systems Failure
Learn 4 steps to deal with a non-powerplant system failure that can help you stay calm and execute a plan in many other emergency situations. From our Emergency Strategies manual.