Pilot's tip of the week

Make The Call?


Subscriber question:

"Do I need to make a radio call before taxiing at a non-towered airport?" - Joe P.


“The Aeronautical Information Manual (or AIM) does recommend a self-announcement before taxi and before taking the runway for departure on our outbound leg from a non-towered airport.

Also important would be a call before back taxiing on an active runway or crossing another runway during your taxi.

Having said this, radio discipline is critical. If the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) is congested, adding a self-announcement before taxi can be counterproductive.

There is no substitute for awareness while operating on any airport. Operations at airports without operating control towers require the highest degree of vigilance. Pilots should self-announce on the CTAF, and follow recommended airport advisory practices—but in all cases, radio discipline is critical.”

How often do you self-announce on the radio before taxiing at non-towered airports?

(NEW) IFR Mastery scenario #173 “Mammoth Winds West of Macon” is now available. A last-minute switch to a slower airplane is unfortunate, but flight planning shows strong tailwinds will almost make up the difference. The time and range should still work—until you level off in cruise and see an ETA an hour further out than you anticipated. Surely that can’t be right. But what is right? Watch the Intro video.

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