Pilot's tip of the week

Engine Failure: #1 Rule


Subscriber question:

"Simple question: What's the most important thing for surviving total engine failure? A simple answer would be appreciated." — Peter A.


“You absolutely have to be sure that you don’t stall the airplane!

I’ve been to many aircraft accident scenes, I’ve evaluated hundreds and hundreds of accidents and pilots are NOT killed when they fly their airplane to the ground under control. They ARE killed when they stall an airplane into the ground.

So maintaining an airspeed safely above stall speed right on down to the ground is so very, very important.”

Have you ever had to make an off-airport landing?

(If so, what's the #1 thing that made it a success?)

(NEW) IFR Mastery scenario #173 “Mammoth Winds West of Macon” is now available. A last-minute switch to a slower airplane is unfortunate, but flight planning shows strong tailwinds will almost make up the difference. The time and range should still work—until you level off in cruise and see an ETA an hour further out than you anticipated. Surely that can’t be right. But what is right? Watch the Intro video.

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