Subscriber question:
"Can you please review the rule of thumb for taxiing in a strong crosswind? I love using these simple guides." - Patricia R.
“Learning to take off and land in a crosswind are essential skills. Just as important are proper crosswind taxiing skills since a crosswind can upset an aircraft on the taxiway.
When taxiing tailwheel airplanes:
- dive away from the wind if it’s behind you;
- climb into the wind if the wind is from in front of you.
For a nosewheel (tricycle gear) airplane:
- for a headwind (wind is from in front of you), hold aileron as if turning into the wind with elevator neutral;
- for a tailwind, dive away.
Make these crosswind corrections a practice even if the winds are light. That way they will become normal operating procedures and won’t easily be forgotten.”
Note: Figure 2-14 is from the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook Chapter 2
While taxiing, at what wind speed do you start making the crosswind corrections Bob described?