Real World Courses
Sharpen your skills with our best-selling online courses:
Real World VFR
Ride along with a pilot and CFI on a series of challenging (and beautiful) flights. These videos will inspire you, and give you confidence to explore your own new flying adventures.
Hands-on tips and techniques demonstrated in fun flying videos.
- $129Course Details
Real World IFR
Watch a pilot tackle a series of increasingly difficult IFR flights showing the entire system in action. Includes a condensed ground school for a quick review of the essentials.
Core IFR skills demonstrated with in-flight videos and detailed briefings.
- $129Course Details
Get Both Courses
Get both Real World courses and save over 60%.
- Real World VFR
- Real World IFR
Keep your skills sharp and refreshed for all types of flying.
- $258Get Both Courses